In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. He created the living creatures according to their kinds
and made in His own image. So God made man and woman. He made you and me and we
are all well made. Therefore, whether you are tall or short, fat or thin, you
are a product of creation. And whatever your satisfaction, regrets or discount
may be, remember that God the maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is
seen and unseen, is an infallible God: He made you a unique being.
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Now, look at yourself and at other people
around you, or think about all the people you have come across in your life, is
there anyone that is exactly like you physically?
Are you tall or short , fat or
thin? Is your nose flat or pointed with oval, or oblong face type? Is your
complexion naturally dark, brown, red, yellow or white? Are your legs long and
thin, short and fat, knock-kneed or bow-legged? Is your head big or small? Are
your naturally white or brown, red or blue? Is your faint or loud?
One of mysteries of creation is the
individuality of man. Though we are making of the same species, homo-sapiens,
we have millions of anatomical and physiological variation that have
significant effects on our metabolic, behavioural and physical activities.
The shades of difference in human
physical and physiological make-ups could be extended to infinity. For
instance, the thyroid gland which plays a significant role in human growth may
weigh six times as much in one person as another. The stomach, the receptacle for
food when swallowed may be six times as large in one person as in another. There
are variations in brain acuity from imbecile to genius, evaluated in terms of intelligence
Quotient (IQ). No two human beings have the
same fingerprint, and the dissimilarity in gaits (manners of walking ) is an amazing
discovery. This distinctness or dissimilarities are traceable to the activities
of the human genes.
Genes are the basic units of heredity
in all creatures that carry the information for their physiological and anatomical
make-up. Genes are inheritable from parents and can run through family tree or generations.
Genes are God’s means of perpetuating and multiplying every kind of creature, on
earth. How this is made possible is the subject of a complex discipline known as
Genetics. Genetics will be published in our next post stay in touch..;