Weight loss strategies(how do you start)

My Ibe Jeremiah (jerry) weight loss is not something you rush, you must follow some guidelines and steps…
Know what to eat
Rediscover the trimmer body you’ve wanted, experience a better quality of life through better health, and feel the joy and happiness that waits for you around the corner.
17 Diet Meal Plan control is the ultimate way to loss-weight. It’s scientifically proven and people are raving about it’s incredible results. This control plus your commitment and determination to win this battle, is all you need.

Water (regular, mineral/sparkling, sugar free): Aloe Vera plus; coffee (decaffeinated, no sugar) Diet sodas/ sugar free beverages; Soya milk; Tea (all types.no sugar).


Alcohol (beer, wine, mixed drinks); beverages with sugar high-fructose, corn syrup, or other sweeteners; coconut milk; Energy drinks; All high fat, sugar containing beverages (hot and cold).


100% sprouted wheat ; 100% wheat ; melba toast multi-grain bread; Oat bran bread; Oat; Oatmeal ( see starchy foods); pita ( whole wheat), puffed wheat ( unsweetened); Pumpernickel; Rice bran, Rye.


Bagels (all types); Biscuit (except as on Enjoy); Bread (Except as on ENJOY); Bread crumbs; Bread sticks: Breakfast cereals (all types); hot or cold; (except as on ENJOY); Cakes; Chips (all types); Cookies: Cornbread; Crackers (except as on ENJOY ); Croissants; Crumpets/Flapjacks; Donuts; Granola (all types); Koeksuster; Muffins (all types); Pancakes; pastries (all, types); Pita bread, white; Popcorn; Rice cakes; Rolls (dinner, Hamburger buns etc) Rusks (all); Tortiles (except as on ENJOY); Vetkoek; Waffels.

CONDIMENTS:(Use Sparingly)

Capers; fish paste, Garlic; Herbs; Horseradish, Hummus (chickpea spread) lemon & lime juice; Margarine light (limit 1 pat/day); Mayonnaise (fat free; limit 1 T/day) Mustard (low cal);Oil; (olive, peanut, canola); Olives (packed in water) Onion); Parmasan cheese (limit 1 T/day); Pasta sauce (low fat/sugar free); Soy sauce / oyster sauce; Spices (all); stocks cubes; Tahini sauce; Vegetable extracts; pickles (dill);salad dressing (low kilojoules, oil free vinaigrette; limits 4 T/day) Salsa (limit 4 T/day); Savoury spread/dips-various (low fat); Sour cream (low fat, fat free).


Beacon bits; Croutons; Gravy (except low fat) Lard; Mayonnaise (full fat); Olives (packed in oil) Peanut butter, Pickles (all excepts dill); salad dressing (all except low kilojoules, oil free, vinaigrette) Sandwich spreads; Seeds(sunflower, pumpkin, salted); Shortening (vegetable) sour cream (full fat).


Cheese (fat free or low fat); Cottage cheese (fat free or low fat); Eggs; egg whites (boiled, porched, scrambled or fried non-stick cooking spray); Milk (2% low fat, fat free) Yoghurt (low fat, fat free, sugar free).
Cheese (hard or soft , except as on ENJOY); Cottage cheese (full fat); Cream cheese (all types); Egg substitute; Frozen yoghurt; Ice cream; Milk (full cream); Sorbet (all types); sour cream (full fat; Yoghurt (full fat)
FRUIT:(Limit 1 serving per day)
Apple; Apricots; Berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc); Cherries; Guava; Granadilla; Grapefruit; Grapes (all types); kiwi, Melon (green, yellow); Nectarine; Orange; Papaya; Pear; Pineapple; plum; Prickly pear; tangerine; Watermelon
Bananas; Canned fruit with sugar; Coconut; Dates; Dried fruit; Fruit juices; Fruit preserves, Fruit sauces; Mangoes; Marmelade; Plantains; Prunes; Raisins, Sugar coated fruit.
PROTEIN:(Limit 1 serving per meal)
Baked, boiled, Grilled, Steamed only, Avoid crumbed, fried, Deep fried or salted foods.
Beef, mince (less than 10% fat); Beef, lean cuts; Biltong, lean; Calamari Chicken, skinless; Claims; crab; Fish (all fresh, canned in water, frozen); Ham, lean, Lamb, lean; Lobster, Mussels; Oyster; Pork, trimmed, Prawns; Rabbits; Shrimps; Tofu; Tuna (canned in water); Turkey, skinless; Version.
Beacon; Beef, fatty, cuts; Beef, minced (over 10% fat); Biltong (except lean) Chicken (with skin); Chicken wings; Duck; Fish fingers; Liver; Oxtail; Pepperoni; Salami.
STARCHY FOOD:(Limit 1 serving per day).
Barley, Beans (black, kidney, red etc); Chicken; couscous; Dahl; Lentils; Oats; Oatmeal (all types, no sugar); Whole wheat pasta; peas (spilt, black-eyed); Rice (wild, brown, parboiled, basmati).
Beans (baked, refried); Granola (all types); Nuts; White; green and red pasta; Potatoes (baked, boiled, French fried, mashed-all types); Rice, white (fried, Spanish, etc); Taco shells; Soups (all types, except as listed in mini meals and under vegetables.
SWEET AND TREATS;(see also Diary, fruit)
Diet soda/ sugar free beverages, Frozen yoghurt (low fat, sugar free) Non-nutritive natural or artificial sweeteners; Sugar free chewing gum.
(see also Baked food, Fruit); Candy bars, Chocolate; Fizzy drinks (with sugar); Honey; Ice lollies; Jam/Jelly; Marmelade; Mosalasses; Sugar; Syrup (all types).
VEGETABLES;(Limit 2 serving per day)
Baked, boiled, raw, fried, with nonstick cooking spray; steamed or in light broth soup only, Avoid crumbed, fried, deep fried, or sautéed foods. Artichokes; Asparagus; Baby marrow (zucchini, courgettes, patty pans); Bamboo shoots; Bean sprouts; Beans (green) Brinjal (aubegine, egg, plant); Brocoli; cabbage; Carrots(raw); cauliflower; Celery; Chillies; Cucumbers’ Green(spinach, kale, etc) Leeks; Lettuce; Mushrooms; Okra; Onion; Palm hearts; Pepper (green, red, yellow,); Raddishes; Rhubarb; Sauerkaut; Squash (all except pumpkin); Tomatoes; Water chestnut.

Avocados; Beetroot; Carrots (cooked); corn;
Parsnip/Turnips; Pumpkins; Sweet potatoes; Yam.

1.     Coming to terms with your weight.
2.     Understanding your body condition.
3.     Taking  control.
4.     Helping the programme realizing the value of water
5.     Staying focused
6.     Enjoying your food.
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1. Coming to terms with your weight.
It has been scientifically proven that obesity is an increasing problem in the world. Almost 80% of obese adults have high blood pressure, diabetes, elevated blood cholesterol level. Coronary artery disease or osteoarthritis.  Nearly 40% have more than these condition. The financial cost of these disease is staggering.
Serious health risk:

Excess weight carries  some serious physical and emotional health treats. Your weight gain is associated with greater health risk like high blood pressure, diabetes, heat diseases, cancer, stroke, gall bladder disease, arthritis and early death.
Emotional stress:
Weight seriously affects self image, ensuring that overweight people suffer considerably more often from low-esteem than normal weight individuals. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you don’t like how you look.  

Treating yourself with respect:
It is just as important when approaching the problem. Your are a unique individual and your biggest challenge is to make the absolute best of what you uniquely are.

Be who you really are:
What is important is to examine your bone structure, morphology (the way you are built) and family history to determine a realistic weight goal.

Take control with 17 diet control
But now, with the scientifically proven 17 diet control weight loss programme and products, you can loss those excess kilograms; quickly, safely and sensibly…and discover the weight and shape that is absolutely right for you. By choosing this programme, you‘ve invested in your most important asset: Say goodbye to setbacks, and say hello to the new you
2. Understanding your body:
Weight has a new of ‘creeping on’ over the years from taking in more kilojoules than you bum. You can easily add 5kgs or more to your weight every decade. Your body has been ‘taught’ to eat a certain way over the years. Developing habits that encourage weight gain without you even realizing it.
By choosing certain foods high in sugars, starches (carbohydrates), you could have set up your body up over many years for the ‘roller coaster’ effect of the uncontrolled glycemic response, as your blood sugar gors through peaks and valleys throughout the day.
The glycemic response:
Glycemic response is quite simple how much (and how quickly) glucose centers your blood stream as a result of consuming a carbohydrate. When you consume high glycemic response inducing carbohydrates, your glucose level skyrocket upward.
When too much glucose gets into your stream, you pancreas receives a signal to produce insulin, a powerful hormone, to remove excess sugar (glucose) from your blood, and normalize your blood sugar level. When your body dumps this glucose (or energy) it must convert it to fat and store it-this is known as the ‘insulin trap’. This leaves the body the impression that it has more energy than it needs so it stops fat conservation and burning. And the more insulin-producing carbohydrates you eat, the more it occurs.
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