Saturday, 4 April 2015


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 5:18 pm
Cookbooks that serve as basic kitchen references (sometimes known as "kitchen bibles") began to appear in the early modern world. They provided not just recipes but overall instruction for both kitchen technique and household management. Such books were written primarily for housewives and occasionally domestic servants as opposed to professional cooks.
International and ethnic cookbooks fall into two categories: the kitchen references of other cultures, translated into other languages; and books translating the recipes of another culture into the languages, techniques, and ingredients of a new audience. The latter style often doubles as a sort of culinary travelogue, giving background and context to a recipe that the first type of book would assume its audience is already familiar with.
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Friday, 3 April 2015

Keeping your carbohydrates under control

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 8:04 pm
Keeping your carbohydrates under control

The majority of the foods you’ve come to crave are insulin-including carbohydrate and many foods that have long been considered healthy, like white rice, most breads, baked potatoes and even pasta, can dramatically increase your glycemic response.
Non  insulin inducing carbohydrates, help your body maintain a steady sugar level and do not create a strong gylcemic reponse.
Desired insulin and Glucose levels to promote optimum body fat utilization.

Carbohydrates what is normal?
Your brain nervous system and muscle need glucose for energy. Your body gets most of its glucose from carbohydrate you eat, and it can also manufacture glucose on its own. Most people eat far more carbohydrates than they need to maintain a normal blood sugar level. A healthy adult’s average normal total blood sugar is around 5 grams, which is about 1 teaspoon. Compare that to a single, 300ml soft drink, which packs about 40 grams, or 8 times that amount of sugar.
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Wednesday, 1 April 2015


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 11:29 am

Weight Loss Progress

One thing that has always motivated me in my weight loss journey is looking at Before/After or Before/During Progress photos. They can be so motivating! It’s so encouraging to see others succeed! Am I right? And I am sure its rewarding for them to share their progress. They should be proud of their loss, even if you haven’t made it to your goal weight.

Progress is progress, no matter how small!

. Let’s motivate each other! Want to motivate and inspire others? Or be inspired and motivated? This little bit of encouragement can go a long way! I was a little hesitant to share because it’s hard to show your body to the world, but it is what it is: Here’s my progress, from February of 2012 til March of 2013.
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Saturday, 28 March 2015

sport nutrition

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 8:52 am
1. The Energy to Win!

Our cells are like microscopic energy making machines and just like machines; they need to be properly maintained to remain in good working order.

When your cells don’t receive the correct nutritional ‘fuel’ they become sluggish and efficient-and so do you!
Athletes and active sports-people are even more aware of this feeling than the average person. By putting additional physical demands on their body, sports people have increase nutritional requirements. Like so many of us, don’t pay enough to their diet and that can have serious consequence for their performance and long term well-being!
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Monday, 16 March 2015


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 9:33 am

We all need a daily well balanced diet for optimal health, feeding the body at cellular
level. You need to properly maintain your cells for proper health, with the right daily balanced diet, including foods from all SIX major foods groups. You’re the only one who can supply the essential nutrients to keep your cells in top in working order.
To give your energy levels and vitality a boost, simply give your body the nutrients it requires for healthy cells. It is easy to do this with a daily serving from your 17 diet plan meal which has the secret to cellular energy.
1.Our nutritional diet meal plan dictates what we need to balance our diets with the following :protein, carbohydrates, mineral, vitamins, enzymes.
2.A chain is as strong as it’s weakest link
3.These six links are of vital importance and with anyone missing life is impossible.
4.The majority of people worldwide have a deficiency of one or more of these nutrients
  in their daily diet, making supplement an absolute must.
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