Body And Nutrition


We all need a daily well balanced diet for optimal health, feeding the body at cellular
level. You need to properly maintain your cells for proper health, with the right daily balanced diet, including foods from all SIX major foods groups. You’re the only one who can supply the essential nutrients to keep your cells in top in working order.
To give your energy levels and vitality a boost, simply give your body the nutrients it requires for healthy cells. It is easy to do this with a daily serving from your 17 diet plan meal which has the secret to cellular energy.
1.Our nutritional diet meal plan dictates what we need to balance our diets with the following :protein, carbohydrates, mineral, vitamins, enzymes.
2.A chain is as strong as it’s weakest link
3.These six links are of vital importance and with anyone missing life is impossible.
4.The majority of people worldwide have a deficiency of one or more of these nutrients
  in their daily diet, making supplement an absolute must.
Protein, as vital to human life as water and oxygen. Only protein can supply us with the very material from which we are made. protein is the most  plentiful substance in our bodies and composes 18 to 20% of our body weight. Together with oxygen and water, protein is vital to all life as the chief tissue builder and basic substance in every living cell. Everyone recognizes protein in the form of muscle, skin, hair, eyes and nails. But, protein is also the principle component of blood, heart, tendons, ligaments, brain, genes, hormones and enzymes. The metabolic process that keeps our bodies running is regulated by some protein (hormones) and catalyzed by other proteins.(enzymes).
Our bodies cannot store protein, so we need a continuous supply from diet. When the body receive protein, it uses only what it needs at that moment and convert the rest into fuel to be used as energy. Once protein has been converted, it can never changed back, no matter how great the body’s demand for protein.
Protein is composed of a string of small chemical units known as amino acids. The body cannot absorb the whole protein molecules and must break it down into individual amino acids. These can be absorbed by the body and reassembled to form the new protein combinations of the body tissues, cells, enzymes and many others. While all amino acids have some characteristics in common, each has very distinctive properties that make it  a separate chemical entity. Of the 22 different amino acids because they cannot be synthesized and must be supplied DAILY in the food we eat.
A protein is only good as its least plentiful amino acids. The body construct protein (tissue) using the essential amino acids. If it only receives seven of the eight, it may not be able to synthesized the particular protein it needs. Or, if it receives as abundant supply of seven but only a small amount of the 8th, the body will construct proteins only until the 8th is used up. The remaining 7 will not be used for protein synthesis. Therefore , to be a high quality protein, it must contain all the dietary essential  amino acids in balanced amounts for the body to use.
Today, from all sides, we are  receiving the message to drastically reduce the fat  and cholesterol  in our diets. This poses a dilemma. The very foods that are highest in fats and cholesterol are some of our best source of protein-eggs, red meat, diary prod-content of our diet. If we stop eating these food, we are likely to seriously reduce the protein content of our diet. 
It’s a kind of double-edged sword. If we reduce our intake of fat and cholesterol, we also reduce our dietary intake of protein. However, if we maintain our protein intake by not reducing the fat and cholesterol in our diets. We are taking a tremendous risk with our health.
We know that the body cannot store protein in the same way it can store fats. It must be supplied daily with proteins  that contains all the amino acids in proportions that match the body’s need. A  protein deficiency  can result in(1)some forms of disease, or(2)premature aging. To prevent these damaging effects, we need high quality, natural source of protein that is low in fat and cholesterol.17 Diet Meal Plan Fulfills this need.
The body puts its need for energy above all else. If the energy foods (fats and carbohydrates) are not present to supply these essential needs, the body will convert protein into energy. It is important that some carbohydrates and fats be available to provide what nutritionists call ’’power saving action’’. This conserves the protein for its special functions of maintenance, repair, growth and stamina. Seventy  diet meal  plan particularly well suited for this purpose.
Today there is increasing evidence that vitamins are heavily involved in the body defense system. We are more than ever aware of the protection qualities of vitamins. Vitamin have the potential to protect us from a number of disease or conditions common in our society today.
Growing conditions, abuse during harvest or in transport, storage, refining, freezing, canning, and cooking all are detrimental to the vitamin content of the food we consume. Today, the handling of our food supply is too often beyond our control. Since we must rely on others to provide and protect the nutrient value of the food we buy, we never be completely sure we are receiving all the vitamins our body require but will direct step by step to protect the nutrients of food we eat.
Vitamins supplementation is one very important step we can take to ensure that our bodies are receiving sufficient quantities of the vitamins necessary for good health.
Many products sold in  health food stores as ‘chelated minerals’ are really glucomates, citrates, etc. when they reach the intestine tract for absorption, they are little better than many of non-chelated simple metallic minerals.
click for details
Lipids and sterol are part of the essential fatty acid family. Our food supply should be rich in them, but with today’s advance in technology our food is robbed of these important nutrients, and this puts us at a risk in many ways.
Lipids and sterols are part of the structure of the hormones made by our endocrine gland system. Hormones make us what we are. They control our mood, energy, appearance, sexuality and many other important aspect of life. Without a rich supply from our food, we have difficulty manufacturing these hormones, and we suffer in many ways. Lipids and sterols also becomes part of the cell structure. Every cell has a membrane surrounding it that has a layer of these fatty acids within. They keep the cell soft and pliable so that nutrients can readily pass through.Life Extension Directory This comprehensive guide to all Life Extension supplements includes the "Top 12 Steps to Achieving Ultimate Health" and other essential health information. Free with your membership. (Available to monthly members on request.) Join now
Food processors remove lipids and sterol from grains because, when they grind the grain, it exposes the oils to oxygen, and they become rancid. If we rely on white flour as our source of lipids and sterols we risk serious deficiencies. The endocrine system becomes hampered and can’t produce the hormones we need. This predisposes us to chronic fatigue, allergic, arthritis, and other degenerative disease. At the cellular level the cell membrane are starved for lipids and sterols and become tough and resistant, making  it more difficulty for nutrients to get into the cell and water to be excreted. A toxic build up pollutes our very being, leaving us fatigue and easy prey for disease.

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