How to lose weight


Before you embark on any weight loss program, be sure of the following:
  • Be sure that you are indeed overweight or obese by checking your Body Mass Index, triceps or waist measurement.
  • Be informed that what is overweight or obese in some cultures or countries like the United States or Britain may just be the socially desirable weight in some other cultures or countries like JapanIndiaFiji or Nigeria. Different cultures have different ideal weights. The most important thing is to maintain a weight that you like and which will not pose any health risk to you.
  • Be informed that the Body Mass Index is not 100 percent reliable as it does not differentiate between excess weight due to fat, excess body fluid or lots of lean mass (muscles).Read more
  • Be sure of the cause(s) of your excess weight, if your excess weight is due to excess body fluid or the manifestation of certain ailment or drugs like corticosteroids, sulphonylureas, insulin or glitazones, you need to see you physicians for treatment  or  alternative  chemotherapy. However, if your excess weight is due to excess fat, resulting from excess food intake, and it poses a serious medical risk or social discomfort, then you need a weight loss program. Click here for details..11
  • Be warned not to embark on program that will make you dehydrated, malnourished, anaemic, weak and sick. Never subscribe  to or register for a ‘’crash’’ weight loss program, that is, the one that advertises a 10 kg weight loss in two to three weeks! A successful and enduring loss must not be dramatic. It should be gradual and systematic.
  • Be warned that fasting to lose weight can be dangerous for people with high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which are common in obesity.
  • Be informed that is impossible to ‘’spot reduce’’ fat from one specific part of the body. It is common knowledge that many people exercise specific areas of their body with the hope that fat will be burn directly off those areas. But this not possible. Fat loss occurs systematically from the whole body. In the same vein, when you eat a lot of fatty food, the distribution of the fat in your body is not determined by you but by your genetic (inborn) mechanism/pattern of storage.
  • Be warned that skipping meals to lose weight may result in bingeing, that is, eating or drinking too much at the next meal, slowing of your body metabolism and an increase in stored body fat.      Therefore, always take your breakfast and dinner but in mind watch what you eat. You can order for 17 day cookbook here and eat healthy for more details on 17 Day Diet Meal Plan
  • Be informed that bitter foods does not nullify sugar in the blood. Foods are only tasty in the mouth. All foods, whether sweet or bitter, are metabolized the same way in the stomach.

Now your can go through the following possible ways of losing weight. The identified advantages and disadvantages of these Ways should inform your right choice. However, you still need to get a professional guidance on any way you intend to  adopt:
Possible Ways Of Losing Weight

  1. Diet: Your diet is the only means through which you can rationally gain weight. It is also the most important and most effective means of losing weight. Assuming you were locked up in your room for two weeks with little or no food, you will surely become thinner by the time you come out. Therefore, it is not possible for you to store fat if you do not eat it.
The objective of dieting or reducing is to cut down on calories intake by restricting the consumption of high energy foods like carbohydrates and fat, increasing the consumption of low energy foods like plant protein, fresh fruits and vegetables.  According to Dr. Walter C. Willet, ‘’weight control isn’t impossible, nor does it need to mean deprivation or a boring repetitious diet. With conscious effort and creativity most people can successfully control their weight for the long term with an enjoyable but reasonable diet and near daily exercise’’.
There are hundreds of books on dietary strategies for weight loss. On other hand there is 17 day diet meal plan(insert link).put together by biochemist. It is the eating plan that maximizes fat loss, increases energy expenditure and improves health. The 17 day diet book has been adjudged effective and health and is used regularly by athletes, medical doctors, health farms and sports teams.
The truth is that not every dietary strategy is safe; therefore you have to be very careful in deciding which one to adopt. But one dietary strategy that will never fail you or give rise to health complications is the low-fat, low-calorie diet. Your ability to lose an average of half kilogram of fat per week and about 6 kg in 3 months, 12 kg in 6 months is indeed a great achievement. And this should by your goal
To achieve this goal, you need to count your calories or be aware of the calories on what you eat and drink. Such as soft drinks, sweetened or artificial fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, chocolates, cookies, yam products, rice, cassava products, wheat and its products, ice-cream, yogurt and other milk products, coco yam, potatoes, butter, milk products, cooking fats and oil, etc. These are high-calorie foods and their consumption should be reduced to be able achieve weight loss.
  1. Exercise: foods energy for the performance of a wide variety of activities. Where a person eats but there is little or no activity to spend the energy generated on, the energy is converted to fat and stored in the adipose tissues. This is the fate of people who live a docile or sedentary life. They often become overweight and obese. Very active people like footballers, athletes, hard workers  or exercise buffs hardly have energy to store to the point of becoming overweight or obese. They always maintain a balance between energy intake and energy output. They possess more lean mass or muscles and are more physically fit and healthy. Since a lot people are into sedentary professions, the best way of getting rid of excess weight is to engage in physical exercise. It is not possible to store it if you spend it! Exercise have proved a veritable means of expending or dissipating the excess calories in the overweight or obese individual.
To generate 7,000 calories or 29, 400 kilo-joules of heat energy during any physical activity or exercise requires the mobilization or conversion of 70 gram of fat. Therefore the more heat energy you generate or burn as sweat during exercise, the more fat you lose.

However, be  warned that losing 7,000 calories in the morning and gaining 10,000 calories in the evening through food will only end up in positive energy balance, leading to ever increasing weight gain. Hence, an effective weight loss exercise must be combined with an effective reducing regime. Only this way can there be successful and sustainable reduction in weight.
Exercise, apart from its contribution to weight loss is also means of maintaining good body, physical and mental fitness. You need regular exercise to have toned muscles, firm shape, agility, mental alacrity, better digestive and excreting systems, finer skin, greater stamina or endurance, etc. A 30-minute daily exercise is enough to assure you of all the health and weight benefits above.
However, if you have been inactive or sedentary for a very long time, especially if you are above 30 years of age you need to consult a physician and have your health status checked before you engage in any exercise program.
Finally, losing weight, you need a strong will do find way. You need to be determined  and find a reliable and equally determined encourager or professional to back you up. Don’t succumb to love pampering or offers that make you eat more than you need. Always avoid food temptation everywhere (parties, club meetings, board meetings, kitchen, restaurants etc.). Do exercise. Take  multivitamin a day. Multivitamin will  not add a calorie to your diet you need it for balanced and good health and don’t be to drink water –it contains no calories.

Now, decide to loss weight and live longer or remain obese and die for details and details and diet recommendation for weight loss and healthy life to the core.
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